Thank goodness to vegan culture spreading in Europe!
Most restaurants in Paris have menus that include a separate section for vegetarian food or indicate vegetarian foods with a symbol next to the dish.
It can be a bit difficult to find food that makes your taste buds tingle, but if you have a little patience, you'll find the right places that serve the best of végétarien.
tomate de saveur

A tangy appetizer containing sweet orange slices, with diced tomatoes with chopped cilantro and mint served with a hint of lime juice and a dash of white wine.
Refreshing and definitely tasty.
Pâtes de pesto

Soft, hand-made, and fresh pasta noodles served in green pesto sauce made from garlic, basil, mint and cilantro. Topped with black basil leaves and aged Parmesan cheese.
Pâtes de fromage

Soft, hand-made pasta noodles served in a creamy white sauce made from butter, cheese, and garlic. Topped with aged Parmesan cheese.
Pasta Linguini

Soft, hand-made pasta served with sautéed garlic, carrots, beans, mushrooms and tomatoes topped with aged Parmesan cheese.
Kale Vegetarian Salad

A mouth watering salad served with fresh cut avocado, Lettuce, kale, sautéed carrots, white mushrooms, tomato, sweet corn and a veggie quinoa patty to break apart and distribute among the vegetables.
(A great tummy filling meal for those on a diet!)
Soupe énergétique

Meaning (Energy Soup).
A thick creamy soup made from coconut milk, basil, leek, and onion, with olive oil. Served with sweet apple slices, served cold on a hot day and vise versa
(Trust me, its a great combination! Also totally lives up to the name of the dish! I definitely felt recharged).
Pesto Pasta

Fusilli pasta shells served with sautéed veggies and olive oil with a light basil paste.
Coffee from a Cafe in the sky

There's nothing more perfect than a hot cup of coffee on a cold rainy day in Paris on the 56th floor of the tower of Montparnasse, with a full view of the beautiful city of Paris and of course, the Eiffel tower!
Soupe aux Legumes

Meaning-(Vegetable Soup).
A thick creamy mixture of carrot, tomato, pumpkin, ginger, and basil with milk cream.
Perfect to indulge on a rainy day, at Cafe Louvre.
Soupe à l'oignon

Meaning-(French Onion Soup).
This soup is particularly famous and common around Paris.
This is Onion Soup with croutons and cheese made from onions and ginger with a dash of white wine (some places offer soup without the wine as well) it's quite common to find in cafe's and restaurants in France.
You can find the best at Cafe Louvre.

I was extremely excited to try this famous French dessert!
Made with wheat flour and eggs, it is a famous pastry served in many varieties including Nutella Spread, preserves, sugar (granulated or powdered), maple syrup, golden syrup, lemon juice, whipped cream, fruit spread, custard, and sliced soft fruits.
We chose to try Nutella (Being a chocolate addict, its an obvious choice). As expected, it was to DIE FOR!
Thanks, Cafe Louvre for the AMAZING food!
Paris has my heart, and soul as a Foodie!
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